[Trending Now] Hero Of Tottenham Court Road: Man Jumps Onto Live Tube Tracks To Save A Man

A hero doesn't always come in capes and supernatural super powers, sometimes they come in the form of somebody ordinary but have the b...

A hero doesn't always come in capes and supernatural super powers, sometimes they come in the form of somebody ordinary but have the bravery and courage to do something for those in need. And this man proves so, when he bravely risked his life for someone in need.

It happened at Tottenham Court Road when a 47-year old man stumbled and fell onto the live tube tracks on the northbound Northern line.

Fortunately, while everyone else hastily called the emergency services, this bystander courageously sprung into action jumping into the rails to pull the man back to safety.

The man was later on treated by the paramedics before he was taken to the hospital to fully recover from the light cuts and bruises.

Superintendent Chris Horton lauded the man for his bravery saying:

"Going onto the tracks is extremely dangerous but the bravery of this man has to be praised -- On behalf of everyone at British Transport Police, I’d like to commend this man for his brave actions – his quick thinking most likely saved the man’s life."

According to Metro, the unnamed hero of Tottenham Court Road is now being searched by the police to recognise his courageous act. 

Hero Of Tottenham Court Road: Man Jumps Onto Live Tube Tracks To Save A Man
Source: TNP , Metro


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