[Trending Now] OLYMPICS2016: These Two Runners Came Last After Helping Each Other, And Now They're Going to the Finals. INSPIRING!

These two girls proved that the prestigious Olympics is more than just the gold medals and standings, but also of sportsmanship and unity...

These two girls proved that the prestigious Olympics is more than just the gold medals and standings, but also of sportsmanship and unity. This was during the 5000-m qualifier which was held last Tuesday. An expected incident where New Zealand's Nikki Hamblin collided with USA's Abbey D'agostino around 2,000m. 

D'agostino was able to get back up immediately but when she noticed Hamblin laying on the other side, she helped her up and encouraged her. In her story, Hamblin shared: “When I went down it was like, ‘what’s happening? Why am I on the ground?’ And suddenly there’s this hand on my shoulder, like ‘get up, get up, we have to finish this!’"

“I’m so grateful for Abbey for doing that for me. I mean, that girl is the Olympic spirit right there. I’m so impressed and inspiring that she did that. I’ve never met her before. Like, I’ve never met this girl before. And isn’t that just so amazing?”

But as they get back on track, it was D'agostino who suddenly felt the result of the collision and had an injury. This is where Hamblin returned the favor and helped her up until she was alright to get back on track. They both congratulated each other when they reached the finish line. 

But what's more surprising is that, despite finishing last, the Olympic committee released a statement that they are both going to the finals because of the sportmanship they showed. 

Source: TNP, BuzzFlare


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