[Trending Now] ‘We’re dealing with animals ’- US Presidential Nominee Donald Trump Calls Philippines A ‘Terrorist Nation’

US Presidential nominee Donald Trump called Philippines a “terrorist nation.” In a rally last Friday (Manila time), Trump accused the im...

US Presidential nominee Donald Trump called Philippines a “terrorist nation.”

In a rally last Friday (Manila time), Trump accused the immigrants, including those from the  Philippines, of recruiting and training for Islamist terror groups.

“We are letting people come in from terrorist nations that shouldn’t be allowed because you can’t vet them,” Trump said in a campaign rally in Maine. “This is a practice that has to stop.”

“We’re dealing with animals,” he added.

Communications Secretary Martin Andanar called the terrorist tag “unfortunate.” He said the Republican nominee has been vocal of his love for the Philippines before.

Andanar, however, reiterated the administration’s stand against terrorism. He told Rappler, "Let it be known that the Philippines and the Filipino people stand in solidarity with other peace-loving countries and individuals in fighting and opposing terrorism in all its forms."

Source: TNP, Rappler, Inquirer


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