[Trending Now] An Enraged Mother Set His Husband On Fire After He Molested Their 7-Year-Old Daughter! Shocking!

As many people say, mothers are the ones who turn houses into homes by providing tender love and care. They have always been the one teach...

As many people say, mothers are the ones who turn houses into homes by providing tender love and care. They have always been the one teaching how to love unconditionally. That is why many netizens understood how 40-year-old Tatanysha Hedman reacted when she set her own husband, Vincent Philips, on fire, after he sexually abused her 7-year-old daughter. 

The daughter was not of Philips, understand one side of the story. But Tatanysha's love for her daughter urged her to seek revenge. One night, while her husband was sleeping, she doused him with gasoline and literally set him on fire. 

Poor Philips rushed to the convenience store in Renton for first aid on July 16, 2014. He was then rushed to the hospital as he suffered severe burns. The day after, the police officers took Tatanysha to custody. 

But of course, Philips had to face his consequences as well. He was charged with first degree child molestation

Meanwhile, Tatanysha took full responsibility of what she did and said that she only did it for her daughter. She also shared that she thought about shooting her husband, but because of her rage, she thought that shooting would be "too nice."

Despite these brutal confessions, she seemed to capture the heart of the netizens who admired and lauded her motherly love. There was a Facebook page put up for her and a GoFund Me fundraising to help her earn the $500,000 bail. 

Currently, Tatanysha is now out of the bars and is staying at a transitional house for the meantime. 

Indeed, there is no stronger love than the mother's love. 
Source: TNP, EliteReaders


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