[Trending Now] Caught On Cam: Pick-Up Truck Driver Gave These Holdapers A Taste Of His Own Revenge After Trying To Steal From Him!

One of the major problems of the country is the rampantly increasing number of crimes being committed by Filipinos to their fellow countr...

One of the major problems of the country is the rampantly increasing number of crimes being committed by Filipinos to their fellow countrymen. 

Tons of crimes are being committed and it should not be tolerated especially by the government. The current President Duterte made a promise that he will do everything to get rid of the illegal drugs, crime and corruption in the country. 

However, there are cases whereas you need to protect yourself and your belongings without the help of the authorities. 

A perfect example of this case is the scenario which is caught on camera. 

Two men riding a motorcycle went near the pick-up truck. Suddenly, one of them tried to grab something from the car. The good thing is that the driver of the truck has fast instinct to move the car so that the man wouldn't succeed with his plans. 

The truck moved backwards and just when the suspects were about to escape the scene with their motorcycle, the driver of the truck suddenly hit them hard. 

The netizens claim that this is the car damage that you will never regret!

Source: TNP, Facebook


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