25 Concepts And Facts That Will Mess With Your Head

We’ve all had that moment where someone says something that makes you stop and think. Not necessarily a fact or anything, although it could ...

We’ve all had that moment where someone says something that makes you stop and think. Not necessarily a fact or anything, although it could be, but more like an idea, or a concept. It’s that aha moment where you realize something completely obvious but you never really thought about it before in that exact way. For example, did you know that you will be the last person to die in your lifetime? Or how about that for a very brief moment, you were the youngest person in the world out of more than 7 billion people? Those are seemingly obvious things but when you phrase them so succinctly they take on a new form in our brains and really make us think. Of course, not everything on this list is a purely abstract concept. There are a few mind boggling facts that will potentially make you rethink how you see the world or the universe. And then there are some painfully obvious things that you may just never have considered. Did you know that there is a planet in our solar system entirely inhabited by robots? There are 7 of them on Mars. These are 25 concepts and facts that will mess with your head!

Featured Image: hobvias sudoneighm via Flickr


If you don't have kids, you'll be the first person in your direct line of ancestry to do so

If you don't have kids, you'll be the first person in your direct line of ancestry to do so

Source: reddit


If you save someone's life you're actually just delaying their death

If you save someone's life you're actually just delaying their death

Source: reddit


You don't actually clean things in the sense of most people think of. You only get other things dirty.

You don't actually clean things in the sense of most people think of. You only get other things dirty.

Source: reddit


You always see your nose but your brain just filters it out (you won't see it again in a few seconds)

You always see your nose but your brain just filters it out (you won't see it again in a few seconds)

Source: reddit


Since you were an embryo, your heart has not stopped beating. It has been pumping non-stop, 24/7, since before you were even born

Since you were an embryo, your heart has not stopped beating. It has been pumping non-stop, 24/7, since before you were even born

Source: reddit


Every year, you pass your death anniversary

Every year, you pass your death anniversary

Source: reddit


Mars is the only known planet inhabited completely by robots (7 of them)

Mars is the only known planet inhabited completely by robots (7 of them)

Source: reddit


At some point in your life your parents put you down and never picked you up again

At some point in your life your parents put you down and never picked you up again

Source: reddit


Norway and North Korea are only separated by one country

Norway and North Korea are only separated by one country

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


If identical twin sisters married identical twin brothers and had kids, those kids would be siblings, genetically speaking

If identical twin sisters married identical twin brothers and had kids, those kids would be siblings genetically

Source: reddit


There are an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1

There are an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1

Source: reddit


If you shuffle a deck of cards, probability tells us that you will most likely get them in a combination that has never previously occurred

If you shuffle a deck of cards, probability tells us that you will most likely get them in a combination that has never previously occurred

Source: reddit


Human beings can be made by accident

Human beings can be made by accident

Source: reddit


According to the human brain, the human brain is the most complex thing known to man

According to the human brain, the human brain is the most complex thing known to man

Source: reddit


The human brain also doesn't know how the human brain actually works

The human brain also doesn't know how the human brain actually works

Source: reddit


Your age is the number of times you have orbited the sun

Your age is the number of times you have orbited the sun

Source: reddit


Both the highest (5.5 trillion Kelvin) and lowest (nearly 0 Kelvin) temperatures have been achieved at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland

Both the highest (5.5 trillion Kelvin) and lowest (nearly 0 Kelvin) temperatures have been achieved at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland

Source: reddit


For a brief moment, you were the youngest person on the entire planet

For a brief moment, you were the youngest person on the entire planet

Source: reddit


Sir Nils Olav is a penguin and he outranks you

Sir Nils Olav is a penguin and he outranks you

Source: reddit


There are planets in the solar system with all of these things - diamond mountain ranges, ice volcanos, magnetic tornados, oil oceans, molten iron rain, vaporized rock atmospheres

There are planets in the solar system with all of these things - diamond mountain ranges, ice volcanos, magnetic tornados, oil oceans, molten iron rain, vaporized rock atmospheres

Source: reddit


The 80 richest people in the world have more assets than the bottom 3.5 billion

The 80 richest people in the world have more assets than the bottom 3.5 billion

Source: reddit


Not a single atom in your body was there when you were born. They have all been replaced multiple times

Not a single atom in your body was there when you were born. They have all been replaced multiple times

Source: reddit


You are now breathing manually

You are now breathing manually

Source: reddit


You will be the last person to die in your lifetime

You will be the last person to die in your lifetime

Source: reddit


You will never actually see yourself. Only representations or a flipped image in a mirror

You will never actually see yourself. Only representations or a flipped image in a mirror

Source: reddit

Source: TheList25


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