[Trending Now] This Young Master Of Penmanship Is One Of 12 In The World And Has Amazing Works Of Art

As technological advancement and innovation continue to be placed at the forefront of modern culture, artistic expression becomes more an...

As technological advancement and innovation continue to be placed at the forefront of modern culture, artistic expression becomes more and more catered to the digital world, and old pen and ink art forms continue to be pushed further into the background.Penmanship, along with many others, is one such trade. With its prevalence on a steady decline, there are a very select few who still practice it. But of the ones who do dedicate themselves to mastering the old but intoxicating craft, the end reward is sweet: to be named a "master penman." Currently, there are only 12 in the world, and their most recent addition, Jake Weidmann happens to also be the youngest...by over 30 years. Read More

Source: http://ift.tt/1pcjO34


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