Link25 (156) – Never Forget September 11 Special Edition

On September 11, 2001 New York City and indeed the world saw one of the most extreme displays of hatred. Militants associated with the Islam...

On September 11, 2001 New York City and indeed the world saw one of the most extreme displays of hatred. Militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda flew two Boeing 767s into the towers of the World Trade Center resulting in an unprecedented display of death and destruction. Close to 3,000 people died in the World Trade Center including 343 firefighters and paramedics, 23 NYPD officers and 37 Port Authority officers. On this 14th anniversary of that frightful day, we bring you a special edition of Link25. This is Link 25 (156) – Never Forget September 11 Special Edition.

Barak Obama

ASSOCIATED PRESS: President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama pause on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Friday, Sept. 11, 2015, as they observed a moment of silence to mark the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

The flag at the White House flew at half staff as three bells tolled to mark the anniversary of the attack.

After the moment of silence, Obama tweeted about the attacks: (Click on the title to read the full article).

Missing link

Researchers in South Africa have discovered a new species of ancient human, the science journal eLife reported Thursday.

Archeologists unearthed the skeletal remains of what is being called Homo naledi within a burial chamber of the country’s Rising Star cave system. “Representing at least 15 individuals with most skeletal elements repeated multiple times, this is the largest (Click the title to read the full article)

National geographic magazines

photo credit: JuliusKielaitis/Shutterstock

It was announced yesterday that 21st Century Fox and the National Geographic Society are creating a for-profit, commercial company that will encompass all National Geographic properties, including its magazines, websites and television channels. Fox will own 73% of this new company.

The National Geographic Society has existed since 1888 and has always been a non-profit institution. It is world-renowned for its journalism and its (Click on the article to read the full story).

One World Trade Center

One World Trade Center by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill

On the 14th anniversary of 9/11, people around the globe will be taking a moment to look back, remembering the victims and their loved ones. Just as the lives of many were changed forever that day, the architectural landscape of New York was also irrevocably altered. The task of repairing and rebuilding the heart of Manhattan began over a decade ago, and the World Trade Center site now looks (click the title to read the full article).

Serena Williams

(Photo: Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY Sports)

No. 1 to victory, Serena barking out “Come on!” and clenching her fist as the crowd roared behind her.

But it was to little success. After taking a 2-0 lead in the deciding set Williams produced a cadre of unforced errors, unable to summon the strength or the (Click the title to read the full article).


Photo via Flickr by frankieleon CC2.0

The market has put too much emphasis on Apple launches, casting a shadow over the real story, analyst Daniel Ernst said Thursday, a day after investors dissed the company’s announcement of product updates.

That story is consistent and significant innovation, the buy side (Click the title to read the full article)


Dog is not amused


That moment when you almost miss the bus


This particular rainbow meant more to New Yorkers than just a beautiful arch that graces the sky after it rains.

The colorful image appeared to be coming from One World Trade Center on the eve of the 14th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Folks on social media shared the (click to read the full article).


How Ice cream cones are made (mind blown)

icecream cones are made

Two years ago today, in true Trump fashion, the Donald tweeted an insensitive, insult-ridden tweet to commemorate 9/11. It’s not enough for him to just mention the tragic event, but he has to take the opportunity to (Click the title to read the full article).


Poor Leo

air pilots

David Findley, right, and David Hough work on a flight simulator in Findley’s classroom at Zephyrhills Municipal Airport. Findley was an air traffic control support specialist at Tampa International Airport on Sept. 11, 2001.

ZEPHYRHILLS — David Findley still has the paper that ordered all flights canceled when terrorists flew hijacked jets into the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field 14 years ago today.

Findley, 57, a retired veteran of 30 years in air traffic control, vividly remembers that day. He was an air traffic control support specialist in the Tampa Tower at Tampa International Airport. President George W. Bush was (click on the title to read the full article).




Less fighting more of this...


Baby pop


Lip Sync Battle with Ellen DeGeneres


IT WAS unquestionably the most terrible day of our age. September 11, 2001.
Almost 3000 innocent people died when terrorists hijacked four civilian planes. Two of the planes struck the twin towers of New York’s World Trade Center. One nosedived into the Pentagon in Washington. And one crashed into (click the title to read the full article).


Taking your shoes off at the airport. A lone bag sitting on a park bench. A plane flying a little too low. The faint thought in the back of your mind, now and always, that it could all descend into chaos once again.

This is the post-9/11 world, the result of a tectonic sociological shift that shook the world in the months and years after terrorists cut a gash in New York (Click the title to read the full story)

Source: TheList25


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