25 Fascinating Facts About New York City And Why It Is Called The Big Apple

It’s September 11. A day that has gone down in history as one of the most tragic days for New York City and even America. Many people have s...

It’s September 11. A day that has gone down in history as one of the most tragic days for New York City and even America. Many people have suffered thanks to the selfish acts of a few. But today, were not going to focus on the negative aspect of that event. Rather we’re going to show you how fascinating New York city can be. It’s not hard to find fascinating facts about New York city. Think about it. New York city currently houses 8.4 million people distributed over a land area of 305 square miles. That’s insane! The city has five boroughs; Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. Some even say that these boroughs have enough personality and attractions to be their own cities! And then there’s New York’s history, which is full of defining moments, some tragic like Sept. 11, others revolutionary like the creation of New York’s Subway. And then there’s the nick name: “The Big Apple”, an mystery that has captured the imagination of most. Where does this nickname come from? Well you’re about to find out. That’s right, if you stick with us until #1 we’ll explain why it’s called the Big Apple even though everybody you ever asked told you it was a mystery. So from cool quirky facts like New York’s obsession with coffee, to the origins of New York’s nickname we bring you 25 fascinating facts about New York City and why it is called the Big Apple.


15,152 forms of life have been found in the New York Subway system (these include insects and bacteria)

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Except for emergencies, honking your car horn is actually illegal in New York City. And yes, we know, everybody does it anyway.

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In 1789 it became the first capital of the United States. This only lasted for one year though.

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In 2018 NYC will open the world's first underground park

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There is a skyscraper with no windows

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Manhattan was purchased from the native people in 1626 for the modern equivalent of US $1000

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New Yorkers bite 10 times more people per year than sharks do

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New York sets train tracks on fire to keep them free of ice in the winter

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More people in New York die of suicide than murder

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It can cost nearly $300,000 to operate a hot dog stand around Central Park

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Manhattan comes from a Lenape word meaning "island of many hills" (mostly flattened by now to provide room for urban development)

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New York City is the city with the largest Polish population after Warsaw

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Roughly half of the population speaks a language other than English at home

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New York City doesn't have any Walmarts

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More Chinese people live in New York City than any other city outside of Asia. And more Jewish people live there than any other city outside of Israel.

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1 in every 38 Americans live in NYC

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New Yorkers drink 7 times more coffee than people in the rest of America

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25% of the world's gold bullion is stored in vaults under Wall Street (the federal reserve bank)

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1 out of every 21 New Yorkers is a millionaire

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Invisible, harmless shrimp called copepods live in New York City's water supply

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The city gets about 15 times more snow than the South Pole every year (this shouldn't be too surprising though because Antarctica is a desert and therefore receives very little precipitation)

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Einstein's eyes are locked in a safe deposit box somewhere in the city

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The Empire State Building has its own zip code

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With over 800 languages spoken by a significant portion of the population, New York City is the most linguistically diverse city in the world.

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Although for a long time many people considered the origin of the term Big Apple to be a mystery, researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology managed to determine the probably etymology. "Apple" referred to many of the big horse racing courses around NYC (possibly due to the fact that horses liked apples). Smaller tracks were often called "bull rings". The term was popularized for the first time by John J. Fitz Gerald in The New York Morning Telegraph when he mentioned going to the "Big Apple" as in going to the "big time"

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Source: TheList25


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