[Trending] Photographer Captures Beautiful Wild Foxes Enjoying The Snow

Roeselien Raimond, a talented Dutch photographer who is best known for her stunning pictures of wild foxes, saw her first fox back in 2010. ...

Roeselien Raimond, a talented Dutch photographer who is best known for her stunning pictures of wild foxes, saw her first fox back in 2010. After falling in love from the first sight, she keeps coming back to the woods on a regular basis to document these charming animals, and we couldn’t be more amazed how she manages to portray their unique and calming beauty.

Raimond told Bored Panda that foxes are highly unpredictable and you never know what to expect from them. “You never know exactly where they will show up, if they will show up and what they will be doing. Just when you think you know them, you realize… You know nothing.”

And that’s why it’s impossible to get tired of them. Roeselien Raimond has been photographing foxes for 7 years now, and she says there were no dull moments at all. Mostly because each fox has its own, unique personality which keeps you surprised. “Some are shy and introvert, while others can be very predominant and self-assured. Some of them are fantastic rabbit hunters while others can barely make a decent mouse pounce. Some foxes are excellent swimmers, while others start to shiver at the sight of a small puddle. Some foxes prefer to keep their feet on the ground, while others love to do acrobatic climbs in trees… Some foxes are just… very nice, while others are plain fantastic! And I feel privileged to know these wonderful personalities,” finishes Raimond, and we invite you to see her new works below.

More info: roeselienraimond.com | Instagram | Facebook

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

foxes in the snow

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

Source: BoredPanda


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