[Trending] When A Far-Right Tweet Showing “The Future That Liberals Want” Backfires With Hilarious Memes

When Twitter user @polNewsNetwork1 posted a photo of a Muslim woman and a drag queen riding the subway next to each other on Wednesday, and ...

When Twitter user @polNewsNetwork1 posted a photo of a Muslim woman and a drag queen riding the subway next to each other on Wednesday, and proclaimed them as “the future that liberals want”, we’re pretty sure they weren’t expecting the response they received from the Internet.

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It turns out that those unassuming travelers are exactly the future most people want. Cultural diversity, freedom of self-expression, and co-existing happily with fellow citizens? That actually sounds wonderful, especially if we can do it without being secretly photographed.

Some users of a more far-right persuasion came to the tweet’s defense, but the majority of the Twittersphere memed and one-lined the event into absolute oblivion, and the results were refreshingly hilarious. See the greatest hits below, and add your own to our list if you know something about the liberals and their future plans that we don’t.

More info: Twitter

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Source: BoredPanda


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