[Trending Now] This King Cobra Went Inside a Village but Didn't Attack Anyone! What it Did Will Amaze You!

King cobras are venomous snakes commonly found in Asia , particularly in the forests of India and Southeast Asia. They are considered the...

King cobras are venomous snakes commonly found in Asia, particularly in the forests of India and Southeast Asia. They are considered the most venomous snakes in the world

The king cobra is a dangerous snake that has a fearsome reputation, although it typically avoids confrontation with humans when possible.

Recently, a king cobra became viral for an unusual reason. Instead of attacking the villagers in Karnataka, India, it asked for water

The curious incident was filmed by CN Naykka, the Deputy Range Forest Officer of Karwar forest range. The king cobra's tail was being held by a snake expert named Raghavendra while the deputy officer gave the snake a drink from a water bottle

Watch it below:

“The Kaiga Power Plant is located near the forest range. The snake had wandered into the Kaiga Township, located near the plant sometime in the morning. We spotted the King Cobra at around 12.30 pm and it was dehydrated due to the extreme heat. Hence, I offered it some water and took it to a rescue center,” Naykka stated.

What an unusual tale of animal and man bonding with and helping each other!

Have you ever had an encounter with a snake? Share your experience in the comments section!

SourceTNP, Buzzflare


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