25 Most Awkward Things To Ever Happen At Awards Ceremonies

Award ceremonies are massive productions with many working part, but not everything always goes according to plan. Are you interested in kno...

Award ceremonies are massive productions with many working part, but not everything always goes according to plan. Are you interested in knowing what some of the biggest, most awkward moments have been? We’re sure the producers in charge know something will inevitably go wrong but hope it won’t be life-altering, soul-crushing, or get them fired. Over the years, there have been many awkward, bizarre, and just plain weird moments at many different award ceremonies, proving that you can’t always get what you want. Here are the 25 Most Awkward Things To Ever Happen At Awards Ceremonies.

The post 25 Most Awkward Things To Ever Happen At Awards Ceremonies appeared first on List25.

Source: TheList25


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