[Trending Now] This Mom Didn’t Abort Her Terminally-Ill Unborn Baby so That She Could Donate Her Daughter’s Organs!

If you were a mother and you found out that the child inside of you is terminally ill and would no longer be able to live after delivery,...

If you were a mother and you found out that the child inside of you is terminally ill and would no longer be able to live after delivery, would you still pursue the pregnancy? 

This is what happened to mother Keri Young, who learned that her second child has a defect in the brain and skull. 

Daily Mail reported that couple Keri and Royce were elated when they found out that she was going to have a second child, but got heartbroken instead when an ultrasound revealed that the infant would not be able to survive. 

This Mom Didn’t Abort Her Terminally-Ill Unborn Baby so That She Could Donate Her Daughter’s Organs!

Keri was 20 weeks into her pregnancy at that time. 20 more and the baby would be due for delivery but instead of aborting the child like most mothers in her situation would, Keri decided to carry the baby in her womb. 

According to her Facebook post, she said, “She has perfect feet and perfect hands. She has perfect kidneys, perfect lungs, and a perfect liver. Sadly, she doesn't have a perfect brain. We found out recently she has anencephaly and is terminal.” 

Anencephaly is a birth defect that occurs when a baby is born without parts of a brain and a skull. It is a rare case and it only occurs about three in every 10,000 pregnancies. The couple even named their child Eva

Keri decided to go on with her daughter’s pregnancy term and claimed that she would do this in order to donate Eva’s organs instead. According to her, “This was not an easy decision.” 




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