[Trending Now] WATCH: Kris Aquino Kumain ng "Isaw" For The First Time! See Her Reaction Here!

Kris Aquino has one of those voices that really get heard, so to speak. People follow her, haters and likers alike watch her every move ...

Kris Aquino has one of those voices that really get heard, so to speak. People follow her, haters and likers alike watch her every move and listen to her every word. It would take another phenomenal star to have the guts make the Queen of all Media do a challenge!

In her online series, This is Real, Kris Aquino interviewed 2016's breakout celebrity, Maine Mendoza, a.k.a. Yaya Dub. What she didn't know was that Maine was planning a surprise for her all along!

Maine challenged her to eat isaw, a street food made from pig intestine. Kris is known to be very picky with her food and what she eats. 

Watch as Kris eats isaw for the first time! 

Source: TNP, Facebook


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