[Trending Now] Paolo Ballesteros Transforms Into Angelina Jolie For Tokyo International Film Festival And Everyone Was Shocked!

Paolo Ballesteros had been making a name internationally since he started his make-up transformation videos of known local and internatio...

Paolo Ballesteros had been making a name internationally since he started his make-up transformation videos of known local and international celebrities. He is so adept at using make-up that he can instantly be someone else! 

But Paolo surprised everyone when he took on an Angelina Jolie look at the 29th Tokyo International Film Festival. It is one of his best transformations ever and he was bold enough to show it to the world. Many can’t help but fuss on how he really looked like the Hollywood star, from the choice of clothes, hair and the signature lips!

He was there to represent his movie entitled “Die Beautiful” together with director Jun Lana and producer Perci Intalan. He played the role of a transwoman in the film and he was happy that their film has been selected to be part of the festival’s main competition. Some of the other films were I America by Ivan Andrew Payawal, Lav Diaz’s Hele Sa Hiwagang Hapis, Birdshot by Mikhael Red, and Shiniuma by Brilliante Mendoza.

Paolo Ballesteros Transforms Into Angelina Jolie For Tokyo International Film Festival And Everyone Was Shocked!
Source: TNP , Wheninmanila


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