[Trending Now] Gargle This Liquid Everyday And See The Wonders It Does To Your Teeth

Having a bright smile is one of the things many people want to have. While there are certainly expensive ways to whiten your teeth, there ...

Having a bright smile is one of the things many people want to have. While there are certainly expensive ways to whiten your teeth, there are homemade teeth whitening techniques and gargle that you can use to achieve that smile you always wanted. 

Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Whitening of your teeth

Apple Cider Vinegar is a fascinating natural product that has many uses. One of it is whitening your teeth.

The said vinegar has mild action but it is also powerful cleansing agent. It kills bacteria in your gums and mouth, whitens your teeth and also removes stains.

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix the apple cider vinegar with water. Remember to mix only a half teaspoon of apple cider vinegar solution to a cup of water, then gargle it every morning. 

Brush your teeth after you gargle. You should do this daily to remove the stains in your teeth and also to whiten them.

REMEMBER to shake the bottle before using the mixture. Make sure that it is mixed properly because it is acidic in nature and the undiluted form may harm your teeth.


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