[Trending] This Lizard Made A Bed Out Of A Rose And It’s The Cutest Thing Ever

Do you ever stop to smell the roses? Most of us don’t, but this lucky Texan family was greeted with an adorable surprise when Cmycherrytree’...

Do you ever stop to smell the roses? Most of us don’t, but this lucky Texan family was greeted with an adorable surprise when Cmycherrytree’s daughter Angel picked a rose for her mother; inside was a sleeping Green anole lizard.

The Carolina or green anole is found in the south-eastern part of North America. The male lizard is fiercely territorial, and they have been observed fighting their own reflections in mirrored glass.

(h/t: Cmycherrytree)

“My daughter picked me a rose…”


“We got a surprise when we went to smell it”


“It looked so cozy and peaceful we couldn’t bear to disturb it”


Source: BoredPanda


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