[Trending] World Full Of Lemons By Surrealist Painter Vitaly Urzhumov

Here’s a peek into the lemon-filled world of Russian surrealist painter Vitaly Urzhumov. Editor’s note: Vitaly Urzhumov started drawing ea...

Here’s a peek into the lemon-filled world of Russian surrealist painter Vitaly Urzhumov.

Editor’s note: Vitaly Urzhumov started drawing early in his childhood. Later he studied art and design in Vladivostok, where he now lives. Urzhumov’s works are mainly influenced by his favorite artist – Salvador Dali.

More info: urzhumov.info

Lemon Garden And Tea With Cookies


Fields Of Lemons

Lemon Tea

Lemon World

Lemon On Ice Floe

Lemon Butterflies

Lemon Bouquet

Source: BoredPanda


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