[Controversial] The Illuminati Told Us About 9/11 In The 1970′s (Videos)

As we’ve discussed before in previous articles, the Power Elite love to tell us before hand in veiled ways, of their sinister plots and sc...

The Illuminati Told Us About 9/11 In The 1970′s (Videos)

As we’ve discussed before in previous articles, the Power Elite love to tell us before hand in veiled ways, of their sinister plots and schemes against humanity.

In the video below, we get a rare eye witness account of exactly what happened that fateful day and the mechanics behind it.


This next set of video gives a remarkable breakdown of the events that day and how it all unfolded. 

These videos are more proof of the that the infiltrated US government murdered Americans during a false flag terrorist attack in order to take away liberties, and go to war!

Before It's News


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