[Viral Science] 11 Pictures That Prove That Scientists Were The Original Hipsters

Albert Einstein questioned Newtonian physics long before it was cool to do so.

Albert Einstein was too busy calling out ~the Man~ (Newton) to give a fuck what you think about his hair.

Amazing Pictures of Albert Einstein
General Photographic Agency / Getty Images

Marie Curie wasn't scared of a little radiation, and she sure as shit wasn't scared of a bold pattern either.

Marie Curie wasn't scared of a little radiation, and she sure as shit wasn't scared of a bold pattern either.
Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Richard Feynman looks cooler than supercooled liquid helium here, and he knows it, too.

Richard Feynman looks cooler than supercooled liquid helium here, and he knows it, too.
Via brainpickings.org

Jane Goodall, like the chimps she studies, can express her feelings anyway she damn well pleases.

Jane Goodall, like the chimps she studies, can express her feelings anyway she damn well pleases.
Emilie Van Zinnicq Bergmann-Riss / Via nationalgeographic.com.es

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Source: Buzzfeed


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