[Viral Science] 11 Facts About Humans That Will Make You Question Your Place In The World

We’ve been through a lot together…
Facts about Human Evolution
Commie cretan / Alex Kasprak / BuzzFeed / Via en.wikipedia.org

First, a quick note about what we mean when we are talking about modern humans:

First, a quick note about what we mean when we are talking about modern humans:
Though a topic of debate among anthropologists, there are generally two ways to look at what a modern humans is.
Anatomically modern humans, which many anthropologists argue evolved around 200,000 years ago, looked like us and were biologically members of our own species.
In this post, we will be focusing on the second type — behaviorally modern humans. These Homo sapiens are identical in appearance to anatomically modern humans, but show evidence of cultural traits we deem human, such as ritual burials, symbolic art, more specialized tool use, and the hunting of larger prey. Anthropologists argue they came on the scene around about 90,000-45,000 years ago.
History Channel

About 7% percent of all humans who have ever lived are alive today.

About 7% percent of all humans who have ever lived are alive today.
Back in the day, there weren't that many humans. Now there are a fuck ton of 'em. This estimate comes from a 2011 study by the Population Reference Bureau.
Alex Kasprak / BuzzFeed

The current population of Los Angeles County is likely double that of the world population at 8000 B.C.

The current population of Los Angeles County is likely double that of the world population at 8000 B.C.
The current population of the city of Los Angeles County is 10 million people. The Population Research Beureau estimate for the world population at 8000 B.C. is 5 million people, which is roughly the current population of Norway.
Warner Bros.

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Source: Buzzfeed


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