[Viral] A Man Discovered That His Wife Was Cheating For 10 Years, But He Isn’t Angry

Screen Shot  of a daddy of wife cheating text
I rediscovered this story today and thought about how much this message applies to us all at some point in our lives.
Take a read and let it inspire you.
If we can learn anything from this man’s story, it’s that we should never give up on our dreams or ourselves. Life may have briefly distracted us, but ultimately we get that second chance. Opportunity can sometimes wrap itself up in seemingly tragic or sad events, but it’s up to us to decide to embrace the fresh start of being ourselves and living our dreams. As this man says “do not be like me.” Be like you. And live how you want to live.
Featured photo credit: http://ift.tt/1EKHORh via expandedconsciousness.com

Source: Lifehack.org


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