[Viral] 13 Ways To Make WordPress Load Faster

13 Ways to Make Wordpress Load Faster: CDN, Caching, Compression & More
We’ve all spent time  too much time, I might add — waiting for our WordPress blog for one-too-many seconds. In some cases, you might just be especially unlucky, but thankfully there are quite a lot of performance tweaks you can make to enhance WordPress speeds.
In this video, you’ll learn about 13 different methods which can be combined, built-upon, and exploited in the vast majority of WordPress setups. Covering subjects such as caching, CDN usage, and image optimization, following the points made in this video will often radically improve your performance. The performance boosts by employing these tactics will increase most people’s GTMetrix, YSlow, and Google PageSpeed Insights‘ results.

Source: Lifehack.org


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