[Todays Viral] Horrifying incident wherein a 2-year-old boy was hit by a car while his mom was busy with her gadget!

We can't deny the fact that the newest technologies are really keeping us distracted. It tends to keep us away from the real world. W...

We can't deny the fact that the newest technologies are really keeping us distracted. It tends to keep us away from the real world. We often focus more on our gadgets instead of the more important things.

A mother and son decided to spend quality time with each other in the Zhenzhou New World Shopping Mall. But then, something unfortunate happened.

This boy was walking behind his mother outside the mall when a Hyundai SUV suddenly hit this kid as the car was getting out of the parking space.

The mother of the kid was too busy with her smartphone that she even forgot to look after her 2-year-old son who's walking behind her! 

The authorities rushed him to the hospital to receive medical treatments, but then it was too late for him. He already passed away.

This should now serve as a lesson to each and every parent out there to always look after your children and never put too much attention on your gadgets! 

Source: Chinasmack

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