[Interesting Stories] 29 Insanely Efficient Products You Wish Existed

Imagine our potential if we didn’t have to unscrew bottle caps.
 Efficient Products You Wish Existed
Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

This toaster that toasts your bread and piles it up for you, neatly.

This toaster that toasts your bread and piles it up for you, neatly.
George Watson / Via designboom.com

Or this toast launcher, because using hands is overrated.

Or this toast launcher, because using hands is overrated.
Ivo Vos / Via ivovos.com

This toothbrush that turns into a fountain that'll rinse your mouth.

This toothbrush that turns into a fountain that'll rinse your mouth.
David Ponce / Via ohgizmo.com

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Source: Buzzfeed


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