[Advice] You Don’t Need A Side Hustle! You Just Need Hustle

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“Good things happen to those who hustle.” – Chuck Noll
Twenty years ago, Michael dreamed of starting his own publishing company. He wanted to publish books that truly made a difference in people’s lives and in the overall culture. There was only one problem: He was broke.
His competitors had seemingly every advantage, including lots of working capital. All he had was a dream and because he was just starting out, the ability to respond quickly.
So Michael turned his ability to hustle into a competitive advantage. He knew he couldn’t offer authors more than his competition and usually offered much less. But he could out-maneuver almost all of them. How? By creating a sense of urgency and a commitment to responsiveness.
Because of Michael’s ability to hustle, his company grew rapidly.
Michael explains:
“We signed numerous authors for less than the competition was willing to pay, simply because we moved fast and got the deals done. Many authors were willing to give up some advance money, believing that our hustle in signing them would translate into similar hustle in selling their books. More often than not, they were right.”
Michael went on to become a best-selling author and the Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the seventh largest trade book publishing company in the United States.
You may know him better as the online marketing expert, Michael Hyatt.
Here are some things you can you do to create a sense of urgency in your own life:
  • Walk faster.
  • Do fewer things. Focus on one important goal at a time.
  • Stop multi-tasking.
  • Eliminate distractions. Focus on the task at hand.
  • Respond quickly to emails and voice mails.
  • Eliminate activities that don’t align with your goals.
  • Clarify your purpose.
  • Be responsive and ready to change if something is not moving you toward your desired outcome.
What else can you do, starting today, to quickly move you closer to your dreams?
How To Get Rich Slowly Founder Laura Beth Cowan writes about creating lifelong positive habits that will allow you to live a rich, abundant life. Join the community to connect, share and inspire: Twitter | Facebook | More Posts


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