[Advice] My Favorite Blog Posts from Around the Web – Vol. 1

It was a great week! There were so many helpful articles across the web, from financial bloggers to lifestyle bloggers to food bloggers and...

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It was a great week! There were so many helpful articles across the web, from financial bloggers to lifestyle bloggers to food bloggers and more. Of the dozens of blog posts I’ve enjoyed this week, these are the articles that resonated with me. If you have time this weekend, give these a read. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Thinking about Lily – Duane Nicol
A Canadian blogger with a conscience, Duane Nicol writes about his travel adventures, environmental sustainability, leadership, and the small town where he grew up in Manitoba. A life of service and authenticity bleed through Duane’s writing.


“My Amma passed away in 2011 and I often think about the tremendous social and technological change she experienced in her life. Growing up I remember her talking about delivering milk for her father by horse and cart or sleigh in the winter. Lily (as Amma was called by many friends) lived through much of the turmoil and growth of this city. Today, many of the stories I hear told about the early Selkirk or about the evolution of this community, are inherently stories about Amma’s life, at least the context of it. This connection makes the history of this city deeply personal for me.”

4 Lessons Learned from Job Loss – Dane Hinson
Fellow CPA and self-proclaimed finance nerd Dane Hinson blogs about personal finance at his site Financial Tour Guide. Dane is also a family man with loads of character. Insightful and well-written, 4 Lessons Learned from Job Loss is a must-read. Here’s an excerpt:

“I was halfway through the CPA exam and was studying for the last two sections while gaining the experience hours necessary to get my license…At the time, the world was my oyster and I couldn’t have been happier with my new career path. As you can tell by the title of this post, not everything went to plan. In 2008 the great recession hit.”

“I was still at that phase in life where I thought I was fairly invincible, so I was a bit in shock when they let me go. The job loss definitely impacted me. It forced me to reflect on my life, my financial plan and career trajectory. Shortly after being let go (and a couple of nights of debauchery later), I vowed that I wouldn’t let the layoff define me.”

Be In Control of Your Life – A More Successful You
On his personal development blog A More Successful You, Eric shares his insights on developing successful habits. He also writes about job searching, personal finance, and general self-improvement. Each post is infused with examples and events from his own life. His recent post Be In Control of Your Life is powerful! Written immediately after he watched a nationally televised political debate, this post has a unique intensity, which resonated with me deeply.


“You decide what you do in life. Not your boss, not your friends, only you. Take control. Make plans, set a budget, learn, build something, grow! There is no time like the present. Go do something meaningful! It’s your life. Do what makes you happy.”

5 Habits I Developed After Hitting Rock Bottom
Ashley Narcisse started blogging in 2011 so she could share information about her own financial journey. She writes at Budget Brain Consulting where she also provides financial coaching and debt management consulting services. Here is an excerpt from her post “5 Habits I Developed After Hitting Rock Bottom”:

“In 2012 my family hit rock bottom. The good news is that we recently became debt free (just picture me doing the happy dance….yep). One of the things that I’ve noticed since becoming debt free is that not much has changed! The same things we were doing when we had debt are still the same things we do now, in a very good way.  One of the things I’ve learned is that going through the trenches with your finances enables you to build habits that you may not develop when you don’t.”

Why Is Having an Emergency Fund So Important? – Money Ahoy
Derek Chamberlain writes about personal finance at Money Ahoy. A wealth of information on investing, Derek founded Money Ahoy to share his financial successes and failures with others. His recent post, Why Is Having an Emergency Fund So Important? contains essential guidance for anyone looking to build financial stability. He writes:

“No matter how much you plan, there can be those moments when you need to pay an emergency expense with your payday still days away. This is when having an emergency fund can really help you out.  If you have one of these emergencies pop-up for you without an emergency fund, it can result in a real financial crisis.”


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