[Trending Now] WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT – ISIS Militants Burn Two Turkish Soldiers Alive! WATCH HERE!

After the horrible slaughter of innocent civilians in Aleppo , the Syrian war once again made it to the headlines after ISIS members fil...

After the horrible slaughter of innocent civilians in Aleppo, the Syrian war once again made it to the headlines after ISIS members filmed themselves while burning 2 Turkish soldier alive. It is believed that they captured the two soldiers in Aleppo after they gained ground. 

In the video, three ISIS militants were chanting, their faces in plain view. Two of them fetched the two Turkish soldiers and made them walk like dogs. They were then forced to stand next to each other a few meters apart, with chains wrapped around their necks. The chains were connected to a fuse which one of the ISIS members ignited by pushing a button. The fuse immediately lit up. 

The Turkish soldiers soon caught fire and burned to death. One was even seen desperately trying to extinguish the fire, writhing on the floor. 


Source: TNP , MailOnline


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