[Trending Now] How Can You Tell If Someone Likes You? Watch Out For #3!

Wondering why that boy or that girl across the room keeps on looking at you? You may have something stuck in your teeth but they may sim...

Wondering why that boy or that girl across the room keeps on looking at you?

You may have something stuck in your teeth but they may simply just have a crush on you!

How to find out? Here are 7 signs that would help you on discovering if that someone likes you for real:

1. They Asked For Your Number And Texts You Constantly

You know it when they always text you and prolong the conversation by bringing up so many topics that are usually non-sense.

Ever had someone ask you what's your favorite number in your electric fan? That's how much they want to make your small talks become big ones so thay they could speak with you for hours.

2. Body Language Crisis

The air feels different when you're around so they react awkwardly.

When you strike up a physical conversation, they would fidget or avoid eye contact with you as much as possible. 

Best case scenario, they blush.

3. They Care... Too Much

You're out with your friends and suddenly when he/she finds out, they flip or over react.

They would ask where you're at, who you're with, or when are you coming home, those kind of questions.

And you'll ask yourself, WHY DO YOU CARE?

Before you know it, they are grabbing a Taxi or an Uber to fetch you just to keep you safe or just maybe where they need you to be.

4. Compliments You A Lot

Bruno Mars 'Just The Way You Are' could be their reference whenever they compliment your hair, your dress, or basically every thing about you.

It's like you were born Miss Universe or Man Of The Year 2016 once they start talking about you.

5. Tells You To Have A Good Night And Mean It

Before you sleep, he/she would text you 'good night' and really wished it.

This means that some one really like you that much to now start caring.

These signs may tell you if he/she likes you, but at the end of the day, it's your own decision to entertain these tactics and give them a chance on giving back what they offered you.

If it's worth it, give it a shot. 

How Can You Tell If Someone Likes You? Watch Out For #3!
Source: TNP  , Vixendaily


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