[Trending Now] FATHER'S LOVE: He Did Everything To Protect His Baby From a Zombie Apocalypse!

Following the hype in the blockbuster movie, Train to Busan , which garnered good reviews from all over the world, another short film abo...

Following the hype in the blockbuster movie, Train to Busan, which garnered good reviews from all over the world, another short film about zombie apocalypse has gotten viral. Like how the father in Train to Busan did everything from all the zombie and dangers, Australian duo Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke produces a short movie called "Cargo." It is the story of a man protecting his baby daughter from bloodthirsty zombies.

If the girl in Train to Busan is old enough to follow instructions, the baby in the short film can alert the zombies anytime. The baby can cry anytime and and the challenge for the father is all the more harder. 

The movie was only $3,800 and took two days to make. It has no dialogue making the impact more thrilling! It will get you to stay at the edge of your seats!

Watch the video below:

Source: TNP , Elitereaders


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