[Trending Now] The Weight Of Anger Vs The Weight Of Tears: Read This Heartfelt Open Letter Written By International Relations Student.

A Filipina International Relations student from the Leiden University in the Netherlands wrote an open letter entitled " 600,000 v...

A Filipina International Relations student from the Leiden University in the Netherlands wrote an open letter entitled "600,000 vs. 530: The Weight Of Anger Vs. The Weight Of Tears" that have reached and moved many Filipinos. 

The open letter expresses the weight of anger from the perception of someone with a firsthand experience with the tragic passing of friends and loved ones caused by drug users that may be among the 530 that the nation weeps for. She tackled in the letter the 530 alleged victims of vigilante or extra judicial killing in the country and the over 600,000 drug suspects who surrendered.

She agonized for the lives killed by the 530 that the nation is fighting for and the 600,000 addicts that existed in the first place. She claimed that the war with drugs have long been going on even before Duterte but we weren't concerned about this before. 

"We have been at a war for a long time -- a war that has been waged for a long time and that we have alreadly lost a long time ago," she grieved. 

In her message she uplifts Duterte, "the President who has the burat to fight back, who would stake his life, honor, and the presidency in the war," as she puts it.

She questioned the essence of human rights and dignity that advocates claim to uphold, in the current circumstance the country is facing.
"Tell me, in your best estimate, how much suffering did they cause before they surrendered to the administration that is now fighting back a war long waged by those who let 600,000 happen? --- Tell us how our country became like this if indeed "human rights is the soul of our nation"? What kind of nation produces at least 600,000 shabu addicts and pushers? Is it a nation that really cares about the dignity of its people?" she wrote.

"There's a war going on. Duterte didn't start it. He is just fighting back --- We want our country back. And we will take it by all means necessary."

The Weight Of Anger Vs The Weight Of Tears: Read This Heartfelt Open Letter Written By International Relations Student.




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