[Trending Now] WATCH: A Spirit Leaving The Lifeless Body Was Captured By A Russian Scientist!

Konstantin Korotkov is a Russian scientist who captured a superb and interesting phenomenon as the spirit was leaving the body of the pe...

Konstantin Korotkov is a Russian scientist who captured a superb and interesting phenomenon as the spirit was leaving the body of the person who passed away. 

It was captured with the help of a bioelectric camera as the spirit disembodies the body.  A method which is called gas discharge visualization was used in taking the said image. 

The image shows the life force of the person which is highlighted in blue as it is leaving the body. 

The advanced method is called Kirlian Photography. It is a collection used to capture rare phenomenon of electrical coronal discharge. It was accidentally discovered by Semyon Kirlian

Korotkov made an explanation that those people who had a tragic death are still in the state of manifestation and confusion a few das after their death.

Source: TNP, ClassifiendTrends


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