[Viral Now] If You Have A Weird Sister, Never Leave Her Alone

Let us begin on the note here: “I am a sister. I have no shame to say that I am a weird sister.” Why am I so proud of saying this fact? Wel...

Sandro Colantonio, 9, of Austin, "Wierd Girl"

Let us begin on the note here: “I am a sister. I have no shame to say that I am a weird sister.” Why am I so proud of saying this fact? Well, I know that my weirdness makes me real, genuine, and it creates an atmosphere unlike any other for those around me. I act on my own will, sometimes strangely, especially around those I love. My father and mother are some people who I can act completely crazy around. Half the time I do not even make sense, but I try to “not make sense” because I know that my family will laugh at my little quirks. Sometimes, I do it on purpose, guilty as charged, but I do this to make my family happy, smiling, and in a jovial mood a majority of the time.

Common misconceptions regarding us weird sisters are long: weird sisters are awfully hard to communicate and live with, they are super annoying, they don’t have a life, and they have what we say “serious problems.” Let us mention some of the greatest advantages of having a weird sister, even though you may feel that you are unlucky to have one. You my friend, are extremely lucky! Hold on to your weird sister! A weird sister is for keeps!

1. We can sense as soon as you are sad, mad, or angry

When my brother is not as happy or jovial as he usually is, you will be surprised that I can tell that something is going wrong. Even if my mom or dad think that he is alright or just tired, I know that there is something going on that is upsetting him. I know all those weird sisters out there can completely agree with me and this is our plus point.

2. We spend the greatest amount of time with you or the ones we love

I love my brother with all my heart. He is two years older than me, and he has been there with me, grown up with me, and has been there with me in my toughest, hardest, and most gruelling times. So, my love for him boils down to the time I spend with him.

3. We will find a way to make you laugh, smile, or cry

Sitting while watching television, trying to make food in the kitchen, or just doing nothing, turns into something laughter filled and extremely interesting. My brother knows this as I can turn the most blatant situations to be more happy and relaxing. I’ll say something stupid or I’ll just change my voice to be a character from a cartoon or film. I’ll do something to break the ice.

4. We hold on to your hand (especially you brothers out there) to show that we care

I know my brother hates this. He isn’t one to show emotions, but I will hold on to his hand to show that I care for him. My brother screams, “Don’t touch me” but let me tell you this, I bet this relaxes them. They might just be thanking you from the inside.

5. We love our weirdness as we know you do too deep down inside

Brothers, like my brother, show that they have the world’s most annoying sister alive, but they love their sister for who she is because she is so different from the rest of the people in the universe. She makes you laugh, smile, and makes you forget all your life’s problems. You love that because she lets you be just you.

6. We don’t want to fit into the crowd, but we want to be our own little selves to show that we are real and proud to be real

As a  weird sister, I’d like to end on this note. Don’t try to conform us to other sisters, because we will be heart-broken. Let us be our true selves. We want to be who we are. We do not want to change just because you say to change or someone else says to change ourselves. We love our uniqueness and unusualness. That makes us, us!

Featured photo credit: Hayley Adminston via punchbowlsocial.com

The post If You Have A Weird Sister, Never Leave Her Alone appeared first on Lifehack.

Source: Lifehack.org


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