[Viral Now] Dreaming Big vs Being Realistic—”I Just Wanna Know How to Make My Dreams Come True”

Do big dreams support my journey to success and fulfillment? Does reality even matter? Is “everything” possible? And what is the strategy t...

Dreaming big

Do big dreams support my journey to success and fulfillment? Does reality even matter? Is “everything” possible? And what is the strategy to make my dreams come true?

There are so many people who are thinking and reflecting about the above-mentioned questions—maybe even you? The following lines provide useful perspectives on the subject of dreaming big vs. being realistic. You should have an answer to the questions after reading this article so you can instantly start making progress on your journey. Enough said; let’s dive into the details.

It’s a 2-component formula.

Dreaming big is probably the most substantial aspect serving you as a foundation to have a journey paved with success. You should absolutely dream big and reach for more. But obviously it’s not enough to get yourself some food on the table, right? That means there has to be another component you need to implement in your life plan, like living in abundance, for instance.

The second component I’m talking about here is “reality.” I can’t tell you how many times I was told to be realistic in terms of goal setting and pretty much everything else, but I am creating my own world, and I avoid talking about things that aren’t realistic. So where’s the point with that weird reality stuff? Well, I learned something which totally changed my perspective concerning reality. It might sound basic but if you think about it then it’s like the tailwind you actually want. I learned that you have to implement reality as a special tool into your dream-big mindset.

Inside out and the reality tool—get your freakin’ thoughts out there!

It’s great to have the best ideas and concepts in your head isn’t it? Probably yes. Unfortunately it’s not enough to be the greatest dreamer or the most successful wannabe. So what to do then? This is where reality comes into play.

You have to see reality as a tool—that’s the most beneficial point of view. Reality is the tool you need to make progress in the direction of your dreams. It’s the number-one tool to manifest your visions and dreams in the outer world—the world we consider to be our reality. You have a vision, but you obviously won’t become a doctor, lawyer or business angel simply by believing or dreaming of it.

No, you should probably get a degree, apply for jobs in your field, get connected with other doctors, lawyers and entrepreneurs. And having a positive “there are no limits” mindset will absolutely support you, but it won’t do the work for you. All in all, you have to align your dreams with the opportunities and capabilities reality offers you. To be specific, in today’s world you can literally learn any skill just by doing some proper Internet research using Google, YouTube, forums, blogs, or sites like this one. By implementing this alignment between dreams and reality in your journey of success, you will definitely achieve results that you didn’t even dream about.

Create an upward spiral of achievement.

Why? Because you have a powerful mindset that doesn’t accept limits, but you also know that you have to take advantage of the “reality-tool” to manifest the things you want to reach. That way, you’re able to push yourself to your personal limits, without getting stuck in an “it’s unrealistic” way of thinking.  And you’re not getting stuck in being a dreamer either. It is strategic self-improvement and self-leadership which ends up in an insanely effective upward spiral of achievement.

Congratulations, you finally know the so called “secret” about making your dreams come true. Simply add traction to it by letting reality support you the way you want it to. There are thousands of gurus and experts making tons of cash by selling these simple concepts as “secrets.” The weird thing? There is no such thing as “the secret”—just relatively simple strategic concepts that are over-complicated way too often.

Remember this: “Dreams and visions represent your drawing board. Reality is the playground you’re searching for to get things going.”

The problem with so-called motivational “gurus?”

I personally think that most of the so called “gurus” and motivational “experts” just don’t bring up the importance of acting reality-related. They are telling you that everything is possible by having the right attitude, thinking positive and visualizing your goals. But they are not mentioning the action steps you actually have to take to manifest your goals. How do you want to make a living just by imagining yourself being a successful entrepreneur? Probably not at all! In today’s world, having even the “best” mindset is absolutely worthless if you don’t apply for that job, go to the gym, attend that course or see that coach. Whatever it is, please align the resources available to you with the mindset you have.

Yes, everything is possible—if you don’t get stuck due to a lack of reality awareness. It separates the worst from the best, the wannabes from the top performers. Now it’s time to use your whole repertoire to make your wildest dreams come true. Go for it!

The post Dreaming Big vs Being Realistic—”I Just Wanna Know How to Make My Dreams Come True” appeared first on Lifehack.

Source: Lifehack.org


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