[Viral Now] 10 Quick And Healthy Chicken Recipes For Busy People

Ever wondered why chicken is a staple food for many athletes, bodybuilders and healthy individuals worldwide? Because it’s an abundant sour...

chicken recipes

Ever wondered why chicken is a staple food for many athletes, bodybuilders and healthy individuals worldwide? Because it’s an abundant source of the essential nutrient protein – supporting weight loss, muscle recovery, growth and all round optimal health.

Chicken happens to be one of the cleanest and leanest meats, it’s readily available and easy to cook. Taste wise, “plain chicken” is quickly transformed using a variety of complementing herbs, spices and ingredients.

After a hard day at work or gruelling workout, a healthy chicken based meal will kickstart your physical recovery. Here are 10 glorious chicken recipes that go from prep to plate in under 30 minutes!

1. Yakisoba Chicken Recipe


This exciting Japanese dish is as healthy as it is delicious. It’s packed with nutrient dense vegetables and canola oil will even help to lower your overall cholesterol!

  1. Grab a skillet and heat chilli paste, canola oil and sesame oils
  2. Add garlic for 30 seconds then introduce chicken and soy sauce
  3. Bring noodles to a boil and cook in a separate pan
  4. Once the meat is cooked, remove it and begin to stir fry vegetables
  5. Combine chicken, vegetables and noodles together before serving

2. Romano Chicken Recipe


A truly mouth-watering dish, cheesy chicken rollups with ham and spiced up with herbs. Enjoy a potent dose of bone-strengthening calcium alongside illness-fighting antioxidants from paprika.

  1. Wrap swiss cheese and ham on chicken breasts and roll them up
  2. In a separate bowl, mix parmesan cheese, garlic, paprika, tarragon, basil and bread crumbs
  3. Smoother chicken with the mix and coat with butter
  4. Set the microwave to high and cook for 5 minutes

3. Katsu Chicken Recipe


A traditional Japanese treat of delicous fried chicken. For a healthier option choose olive oil, the mono-saturated fats will help maintain balanced cholesterol.

  1. Season chicken breasts with salt and pepper
  2. Coat chicken with flour, dip in egg and cover with panko crumbs
  3. Heat olive oil in a skillet and introduce chicken
  4. Cook both sides until golden brown and serve

4. Grilled Peanut Chicken Recipe

Grilled Peanut Chicken

Distinctively tangy and nutty, guaranteed to impress your guests. Be generous with the peanuts, they offer significant protection against heart disease!

  1. Mix peanut butter, garlic, curry powder, cayenne pepper and lime juice in a bowl
  2. Brush chicken with half and then grill for 8 minutes
  3. Smother chicken with the rest of the sauce and return to grill until ready

5. Lime Garlic Chicken

limegarlic chicken

A delightful chicken recipe, cooked in butter and garlic then drizzled with fresh lime. The anti-inflammatory nature of garlic works wonders for numerous conditions relating to heart, cholesterol and hypertension.

  1. Using a re-sealable plastic bag, mix flour, salt and pepper
  2. Place chicken in the bag and shake until coated
  3. Sauté chicken in a skillet with butter and garlic for 10-15 minutes
  4. Squeeze lime and sprinkle lemon pepper over chicken before serving

6. Rosemary and Bacon Grilled Chicken Recipe


This tasty chicken dish has a unique aroma thanks to the heavenly herb Rosemary. It will also help to reinforce your immune system, blood circulation and ingestion!

  1. Preheat grill on medium-high heat
  2. Season chicken breast using garlic powder, salt and pepper
  3. Lay rosemary sprigs on chicken and wrap with bacon
  4. Cook breasts for approximately 8 minutes on each side before serving

7. Lemon Dijon Chicken Recipe


A tantalizing chicken recipe, spicy and bursting with flavor! The key ingredient Dijon mustard contains compounds that can inhibit cancer cell growth.

  1. Fry chicken on medium heat using a skillet
  2. Gradually introduce lime, lemon, Dijon, black pepper and creole seasoning
  3. Flip chicken whilst cooking for 15 minutes and then serve

8. Spicy Basil Chicken Recipe


Bring home an authentic taste of Thailand with this hot dish. Go heavy on the basil, it’s an abundant source of antioxidants with anti-aging properties.

  1. Heat garlic and chile peppers using a skillet until golden brown
  2. Add chicken and season with sugar, garlic, salt and pepper
  3. Add oyster sauce, mix in mushrooms and onions
  4. Cook until chicken is done and onions are tender and then serve

9. Honey Glazed Chicken Recipe


Honey brings an amazing natural sweetness to this family favourite. Rename honey to “liquid gold”, it’s antibacterial and has plenty of antioxidant firepower!

  1. Mix honey, red pepper flakes and soy sauce in a small bowl
  2. Cook chicken in a skillet for 5 minutes
  3. Introduce honey mix and cook until ready to serve

10. Wild Whisky Chicken Recipe


Grab your whisky of choice and excite your guests with this sweet recipe! If you are jokingly accused of being an alcoholic, mention that studies have linked whisky to a number of benefits including weight loss!

  1. Sauté chicken until cooked through
  2. Mix soy sauce, garlic powder, whisky, pineapple juice, pepper and sugar in a separate bowl
  3. Pour the whisky mix over chicken and simmer for 10-15 minutes before serving

Featured photo credit: ziashusha via shutterstock.com

The post 10 Quick And Healthy Chicken Recipes For Busy People appeared first on Lifehack.

Source: Lifehack.org


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