[Todays Viral] A heartbreaking open letter of a man for his girlfriend who passed away. This will bring you to tears!

It is for real that we will only realize someone's wort, when we already lost it.  Just recently, an open letter of a guy to his f...

It is for real that we will only realize someone's wort, when we already lost it. 

Just recently, an open letter of a guy to his former girlfriend who passed away, has been making the netizens shed a tear. The open letter wasn't filled with rants or anger, but rather with understanding, love and most importantly, regrets. 

A guy named Mark posted the love story that he shared with the girl named Anne. Mark claims that he started off as friends with Anne, and eventually, they became a couple. They've been together for 3 long years, when a tragic incident took place.

They were arguing about something, but Mark chose to shrug it off and went to sleep. The last message from Anne that he read says how much she loves her. 

That same night, Anne's mom called Mark. She was crying. It turns out that Anne met a tragic incident. The driver declared a holdup, but instead of surrendering his stuff, she chose to fight, resulting to her being stab multiple times.

The multiple stabs that she received was the cause of her death. Mark didn't know what to do. At that point of time, the only thing that's in his mind was regrets. 

A heartbreaking open letter of a man for his girlfriend who passed away. This will bring you to tears!
A heartbreaking open letter of a man for his girlfriend who passed away. This will bring you to tears!

A heartbreaking open letter of a man for his girlfriend who passed away. This will bring you to tears!
A heartbreaking open letter of a man for his girlfriend who passed away. This will bring you to tears!


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