[Viral Now] 10 Steps To Bring Positive Energy Into Your Life

Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all capable of holding onto things and most of us are always searching for ways to bring positive...


Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all capable of holding onto things and most of us are always searching for ways to bring positive energy into our lives.

These things take up a lot of space, creating obstacles and distractions. They also consume a lot of our very precious energy. Mess, no matter what form it takes, is all encompassing. It is multi-layered and heavy. Emotionally, we can clutter our minds with negative thoughts. Spiritually, we can clutter up our hearts and souls with emotional debris. Physically, we can fill our bodies with unhealthy food that weighs us down and  often we extend mess and clutter into our homes.

How can we live a peaceful existence if our lives are a mess? How can we find our life’s purpose if we can’t see our way forward?

It is liberating, empowering and uplifting to sort through all of our mess and clean it up. It frees us from the heaviness that accompanies clutter and allows us to see clearly. Mess, no matter what form it takes, is all encompassing. It is multi-layered and heavy.According to feng shui principles, mess, disorganisation and overwhelm are thought to create blockages and stagnant energy. Devoting the time and energy into organising your life enables greater productivity.

The following 10 steps will bring positive energy into your life instantly and will open up pathways, clear out blockages and enable the potential for anything.

1. Clear out your mind

The mind often repeats the same thoughts over and over again. If they are positive thoughts, that is fantastic, but more often than not, if you are feeling overwhelmed, those thoughts are negative ones causing us to continually rehash over the difficulties we may be experiencing. Your thoughts create your reality, so STOP and identify your thoughts. What are you filling your mind with?  Just as your thoughts can escalate stress, they can also relieve stress.

2. Clean out your body

Our bodies are quite resilient but at some stage if we disrespect them too much, they will let us know. If you feel heavy, bloated and unhealthy, it is vital to take stock of what you are consuming. Unhealthy diets laden with too much sugar, salt and unhealthy fats have led us to an obesity crisis. If you are feeling physically weighed down, there is no time like the present  to clean up your diet. If you are confused about what to eat and when to eat it, consider scrapping dieting and instead opt for eating healthy food instead. Acknowledge that your body must go the distance and you must nurture, support and maintain it so it functions at it’s best. Be sure to treat it with the respect it deserves. You will be rewarded  with better health and more energy and that in itself is one of the greatest gifts in life.

3. Spring clean your soul

If your soul is depleted due to life’s sometimes overwhelming challenges, it is often the case that it is difficult to  see the good in any situation. Take the time to spring clean your soul. Let go of anything that no longer serves you, like anger, resentment, jealousy, sadness, guilt, let it go. Don’t see challenges as bad luck, instead ask yourself what you can learn from the experience. There is always a gift even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Take time out to find your passion. If you have a dream, plan the course of its journey. Be bold and brave. Get back to nature. Spend time with the people you love and who lift you up. Rest. Practice gratitude

There are so many ways to fire up your soul. Be THANKFUL that you can change your life’s course in a heartbeat, because if you think about it- YOU CAN.

4. Create a harmonious living environment

Your home is your safe haven. Creating a more peaceful, organised  living space  will restore balance and allow the positive energy to flow gently back into your world. Once you have  cleaned up and have cleared out the clutter, take the time to warm up your space.  Bring in some scented candles, flowers, plants and display precious beautiful photos. It is magical when you replace clutter with elements that will allow you to experience the feeling  of a new beginning.

5. Focus on what you have

Most of us are continuously focusing on all that we want and not what we already have. It is vital to set positive goals and strive for a better future, but before you do this, ask yourself, “When was the last time I stopped and said thank you for all that is currently in my life?”

Now is the perfect time to count your blessings. Giving thanks will open the floodgates to the universal stream of goodness.

6. Soften your focus

If you choose to soften your focus, you will find life’s journey will be much gentler. Focusing softly and taking a calm gentle approach towards every situation before reacting allows you time to evaluate the event. Shifting your vision to be more emotionally intelligent, empathetic and caring will open up a whole new level of mindfulness.

7. Set boundaries

Set boundaries for friends, family members and even work colleagues. Email, social media and texting allows a continuous lifeline to people. We seem to be available 24/7 to everyone. Prioritise your time and do not allow anyone to drain your energy unnecessarily.

8. Pace yourself

Often when you feel overloaded, just taking a break for an hour or two will give you the energy to refocus. You deserve time out to rest and recharge.

9. Be responsible for your life

You are completely responsible for your life as well as the choices you make. The sooner you accept that, the sooner your life will change. Organising our lives, clearing up the mess, acknowledging past failures, changing our attitude, shifting our vision, these are positive life changing actions that will change our energy and bring clarity into our lives. You have the power to change any situation in your life right now.

10. Embrace each new day with purpose

Just as the world continues to turn, a new day brings endless opportunities. A new day generates renewed energy and hope  so choose how you will respond to the days events by welcoming each new day with optimism.

It is vital to acknowledge the mess in your life no matter what form it takes and then embrace change. Take those all important steps to free yourself  from its limitations. Stop thinking of clearing it out as a tremendous overwhelming task and instead see it as one of the most vital self improvement tactics you can possibly do.

Clean up and clear out what no longer serves you. Don’t let a little mess stop you from receiving and feeling life’s goodness. Remove all those things that are blocking your view and just let the light come flooding back into your life.

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via picjumbo.com

The post 10 Steps To Bring Positive Energy Into Your Life appeared first on Lifehack.

Source: Lifehack.org


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